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PCOS affects approximately 15% of biologically female individuals worldwide, making it the most prevalent condition of its kind. It's characterized by a combination of insulin resistance, high androgens, cystic ovaries, and irregular menstrual cycles.
The root causes of PCOS can vary from person to person but often include insulin resistance, chronic inflammation, and adrenal dysfunction. These issues are interconnected within the body's system.
In PCOS, addressing gut health, immune health, stress response systems, and blood sugar regulation is crucial. Chronic inflammation, food allergies/sensitivities, and potential connections to autoimmunity are common in PCOS due to its strong gut health component.
Blood sugar balance is essential as insulin resistance can impact inflammation levels, raise testosterone, and stress the adrenals. Stress relief through lifestyle changes and nutrition is also vital as overactive stress responses can worsen gut health, insulin resistance, and hormone levels.
My top three supplements for PCOS below target these root cause issues, aiming to address them effectively.
The information contained on is for informational and education purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. As a nutrition professional, I draw upon evidence based practices and personal experience with myself and clients to form recommendations like the ones made in this guide. You are an individual with your own unique set of health goals and concerns. Ensure you discuss any changes to your diet with a qualified healthcare professional, like your doctor, to ensure these changes are right for you. This is especially important if you have any other underlying medical conditions. Do not consume foods you are allergic to. Results will be individual and will vary.
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